Wednesday 9 March 2016


As I told you on my first post I am first year student, so I have no cycles (lectures) related with odontology yet. Some of them will start next year, some of them on my 3rd, 4th, 5th year. However, I have a chance to practise in oral surgery (as far as I know I am the only first year student who practises there but how I got an opportunity to come I will tell you the next time) and watch some different cases. One surgeon last week told me that he will have an implantation on Tuesday, so I decided to skip my one lecture (not very important, of course :D ) and go to watch the operation. While I was waiting for surgeon to come another one came and ask me to assist him, I thought "OK, I have an hour, I think I will finish with this extraction on time and then will go to operation". But then while we were going to the dental chair I realized that I was asked to assist in implantation. OH - MY - GOD... This is soooo cool!!!! My dream finally came true! Maybe for some of you this is daily life but  for me it is something more. I haven't finished with anatomy, I have no idea what is histology, physiology and what to talk about dentistry... Anyway, by practising and learning on my own I have quite a lot of knowledge in oral surgery. Actually today I was talking with one boy who is last year student in dentistry and he said that he had never seen an implantation, so yes, I know more than even some last year students. I don't want to talk about myself as the best one because I really don't think this way about me. Though the point is that doesn't matter how old or which year student he/she is, it all about his/her motivation, dedication and determination. All depends on a person and his/her wishes/dreams/goals. The most important, of course, is to LOVE WHAT YOU DO. And I love dentistry, I love everything what is related with this proffesion and I will work hard because I want to be the best. I don't want to an average dentist, I want to be on the top. I don't know how I will reach this, but I will manage somehow and I will not stop until I get what I want. Okay, enough of this chit chat. Let's go on with implantation.

The surgeon implanted 2 MEGAGEN implants in the lower jower. I don't know a lot about this brand but I will definitely do some reaserch on it in the future. Maybe you know something and can tell me? :)

He did an incision, opened the gingiva and using different drills (beginning with the smallest and then taking a bigger one every time) he made a hole where he later put a fixture. I don't know why but I always imagined that an implant is bigger. I was quite surprised by its size (If I remeber correctly, he implanted 11.5 x 4.0). It looked so small and so fragile! You know, looking implantation videos on Youtube is not the same as watching operation live and even assisting. Anyway, they help you to understand the main idea of the operation. Here are some of my favs:


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