Saturday 5 March 2016

My thoughts lately...

 My thoughts lately....

Yesterday I spend the whole day in oral surgery and I saw many different situations. Many of them stuck in my mind, so today I want to give you some thoughts about one of them.

A mother with 3 years old child came to the clinic. A child was with swelled cheek. It look horrible. Surgeons diagnosed dental periostitis, as a consequence they hospitalized a child with his mother. The funniest and the sadest at the same time things is how people lie. "Why don't you brush your child's teeth?"asked a surgeon. "I do, I brush his teeth" told the mother. Seriously????? "With what? With Nutella toothpaste? " -  I wanted to ask. 

I mean, this child will have to live without teeth for 3-4 years. Can you imagine his psychology? Self-confidence level? I don't want to look pesimistic, but I think he will have a though period in his life especially when he will begin to go to kindergarden and later to the school. Children are quite cruel these years, they like to find someone they can laught of... 

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